【无人机自主导航4 视觉传感器】通过ROS发布、订阅话题连接Realsense视觉相机

发布于 2021-03-21  1428 次阅读



视觉传感是应用在生产装置上的一种电子图像技术,通过视觉传感器把图像抓到,然后将图像传送至处理单元,通过数字化处理,根据像素分布和亮度、颜色等信息,来进行尺寸、形状和颜色的判别,并根据判别结果进而控制生产设备的工作。 视觉传感器的工作过程可以分为四个步骤:图像的检测、图像的分析、图像的绘制和图像识别。视觉传感器具有从一幅图像中捕获数以千计像素的能力。 视觉信息一般通过光电检测转换为电信号,通过图像信息的变化可以对物体的形状位置等特征信息进行判定。





项目 版本
系统 Ubuntu18.04
ROS Medolic


sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-usb-cam

如果为其他版本,将版本名称替换即可,比如sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-usb-cam



lsusb -t



roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch

也可以下载uvc驱动包:roslaunch usb_cam uvc_cam-test.launch

ganahe@ganahe-Nitro-AN515-51:~$ roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
... logging to /home/ganahe/.ros/log/29a04252-8651-11eb-98ad-f82819b4f653/roslaunch-ganahe-Nitro-AN515-51-8994.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ganahe-Nitro-AN515-51:44467/


 * /image_view/autosize: True
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.10
 * /usb_cam/camera_frame_id: usb_cam
 * /usb_cam/image_height: 480
 * /usb_cam/image_width: 640
 * /usb_cam/io_method: mmap
 * /usb_cam/pixel_format: yuyv
 * /usb_cam/video_device: /dev/video0

    image_view (image_view/image_view)
    usb_cam (usb_cam/usb_cam_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [9007]

setting /run_id to 29a04252-8651-11eb-98ad-f82819b4f653
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [9018]
started core service [/rosout]
process[usb_cam-2]: started with pid [9021]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [image_view/image_view]: image_view
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/home/ganahe/catkin_ws/src
ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/melodic/share
ROS path [3]=/home/ganahe/PX4_Firmware
ROS path [4]=/home/ganahe/PX4_Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo
[ INFO] [1615896877.578934705]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1615896877.581331953]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/ganahe/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml
[ INFO] [1615896877.581504365]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/ganahe/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml]
[ WARN] [1615896877.581570650]: Camera calibration file /home/ganahe/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1615896877.581638602]: Starting 'head_camera' (/dev/video0) at 640x480 via mmap (yuyv) at 30 FPS
[ WARN] [1615896877.806605562]: unknown control 'focus_auto'



选择Plugins - visualization - Image View,在出现的界面中的左上角选择对应的已发布话题,即可看到相机打开后的效果:


四、深度相机 - Intel系列

4.1 安装驱动SDK


apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE


  • Ubuntu 16.04:
add-apt-repository "deb http://realsense-hw-public.s3.amazonaws.com/Debian/apt-repo xenial main" -u
  • Ubuntu 18.04:
add-apt-repository "deb http://realsense-hw-public.s3.amazonaws.com/Debian/apt-repo bionic main" -u


apt-get install librealsense2-dkms
apt-get install librealsense2-utils


apt-get install librealsense2-dev
apt-get install librealsense2-dbg


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms librealsense2-utils librealsense2-dev librealsense2-dbg


4.2 安装ROS功能包

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ddynamic-reconfigure # Ubuntu其他版本自行替换掉melodic
git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros.git

cd realsense-ros/
git checkout `git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^2.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1`

cd ..
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

4.3 Intel realsense 相机ROS话题发布


cd ~/catkin_ws
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch

执行以上命令后,通过rostopic list查看话题列表,随后通过rviz等订阅相应话题查看。


realsense-ros 预定义的launch如下:

ganahe@ganahe-Nitro-AN515-51:~/catkin_ws/src/realsense-ros/realsense2_camera/launch tree
├── demo_pointcloud.launch
├── demo_t265.launch
├── includes
│   └── nodelet.launch.xml
├── opensource_tracking.launch
├── rs_aligned_depth.launch
├── rs_camera.launch
├── rs_d400_and_t265.launch
├── rs_d435_camera_with_model.launch
├── rs_from_file.launch
├── rs_multiple_devices.launch
├── rs_rgbd.launch
├── rs_rtabmap.launch
└── rs_t265.launch

(1)Intel realsense T265C 双目相机

T265 包含两个鱼眼镜头传感器、一个 IMU 和一个英特尔® Movidius™ Myriad™ 2 VPU。所有的 V‑SLAM 算法都直接在 VPU 上运行,能够实现非常低的延迟和非常高效的功耗。
T265 经过广泛的性能测试和验证,在预期使用条件下,闭环偏移小于 1%。姿态动作与动作反射之间的延迟不到 6 毫秒。——Intel



rs-enumerate-devices # 相机机内参和外参
rs-enumerate-devices -c # 相机机内参和外参 ,以及IMU的参数


#include <librealsense2/rs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

int main(){

    rs2::config cfg;
    cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE,1, RS2_FORMAT_Y8);
    cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE,2, RS2_FORMAT_Y8);
    rs2::pipeline pipe;

    rs2::frameset data;

    while (1){
        data = pipe.wait_for_frames();
        rs2::frame image_left = data.get_fisheye_frame(1);
        rs2::frame image_right = data.get_fisheye_frame(2);

        if (!image_left || !image_right)

        cv::Mat cv_image_left(cv::Size(848, 800), CV_8U, (void*)image_left.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
        cv::Mat cv_image_right(cv::Size(848, 800), CV_8U, (void*)image_right.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);

        cv::imshow("left", cv_image_left);
        cv::imshow("right", cv_image_right);

    return 0;


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0)
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "release")



add_executable(ganhe real.cpp)



dji@manifold2:~/catkin_ws/src/experiment_fast_planner$ rs-enumerate-devices -c
Device info: 
    Name                          :     Intel RealSense T265
    Serial Number                 :     947122110624
    Firmware Version              :
    Physical Port                 :     2-3-13
    Product Id                    :     0B37
    Usb Type Descriptor           :     3.1
    Product Line                  :     T200

Stream Profiles supported by Tracking Module
 Supported modes:
    stream       resolution      fps       format   
    Fisheye 1     848x800   @ 30Hz     Y8
    Fisheye 2     848x800   @ 30Hz     Y8
    Gyro     N/A        @ 200Hz    MOTION_XYZ32F
    Accel    N/A        @ 62Hz     MOTION_XYZ32F
    Pose     N/A        @ 200Hz    6DOF

Intrinsic Parameters:

 Intrinsic of "Fisheye 1" / 848x800 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       800
  PPX:          422.355010986328
  PPY:          401.183197021484
  Fx:           286.419189453125
  Fy:           286.384307861328
  Distortion:   Kannala Brandt4
  Coeffs:       -0.00842355936765671    0.0438300296664238      -0.0417080596089363     0.00763566605746746     0  
  FOV (deg):    111.9 x 108.8

 Intrinsic of "Fisheye 2" / 848x800 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       800
  PPX:          425.490112304688
  PPY:          400.023406982422
  Fx:           285.90771484375
  Fy:           285.838012695312
  Distortion:   Kannala Brandt4
  Coeffs:       -0.00901120528578758    0.0463116206228733      -0.0436602495610714     0.00809726025909185     0  
  FOV (deg):    112 x 108.9

Motion Intrinsic Parameters:

Motion Intrinsic of "Gyro"      MOTION_XYZ32F
Bias Variances:     0.000000499999999  0.000000499999999  0.000000499999999  
Noise Variances:    0.000005148030141  0.000005148030141  0.000005148030141  
Sensitivity : 
     0.998604       0.000000       0.000000      -0.001043  
     0.000000       1.003421       0.000000      -0.007766  
     0.000000       0.000000       0.999840      -0.000505  

Motion Intrinsic of "Accel"     MOTION_XYZ32F
Bias Variances:     0.000099999997474  0.000099999997474  0.000099999997474  
Noise Variances:    0.000066952452471  0.000066952452471  0.000066952452471  
Sensitivity : 
     1.002646       0.000000       0.000000      -0.119967  
     0.000000       1.027077       0.000000       0.065438  
     0.000000       0.000000       1.020518       0.021381  

Extrinsic Parameters:
Extrinsic from "Fisheye 1"      To      "Fisheye 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 1"      To      "Fisheye 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.999977        -0.000860069     -0.0067087     
   0.000889296      0.99999          0.00435477    
   0.00670489      -0.00436064       0.999968      

 Translation Vector: -0.064382404088974  -0.000208481418667361  -0.000129977037431672  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 1"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.99996         -0.00301489       0.0084079     
   0.0030054       -0.999995        -0.00114063    
   0.0084113       -0.00111532       0.999964      

 Translation Vector: 0.0106995701789856  -3.21578190778382e-05  -9.0000918135047e-05  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 1"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.99996         -0.00301489       0.0084079     
   0.0030054       -0.999995        -0.00114063    
   0.0084113       -0.00111532       0.999964      

 Translation Vector: 0.0106995701789856  -3.21578190778382e-05  -9.0000918135047e-05  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 1"      To      "Pose" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00301489      -0.0084079     
   0.0030054       -0.999995        -0.00114063    
  -0.0084113        0.00111532      -0.999964      

 Translation Vector: -0.0321912094950676  -2.06494059966644e-05  0.000120167809654959  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 2"      To      "Fisheye 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.999977         0.000889296      0.00670489    
  -0.000860069      0.99999         -0.00436064    
  -0.0067087        0.00435477       0.999968      

 Translation Vector: 0.0643819943070412  0.000152539272676222  -0.000301041349302977  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 2"      To      "Fisheye 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 2"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.999991        -0.00386751       0.00171616    
   0.00387305      -0.999987         0.00324017    
   0.00170361       0.00324679       0.999993      

 Translation Vector: -0.0536828488111496  9.14099109650124e-06  0.00015033470117487  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 2"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.999991        -0.00386751       0.00171616    
   0.00387305      -0.999987         0.00324017    
   0.00170361       0.00324679       0.999993      

 Translation Vector: -0.0536828488111496  9.14099109650124e-06  0.00015033470117487  

Extrinsic from "Fisheye 2"      To      "Pose" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.999991         0.00386751      -0.00171616    
   0.00387305      -0.999987         0.00324017    
  -0.00170361      -0.00324679      -0.999993      

 Translation Vector: 0.0321912094950676  2.0649404177675e-05  -0.000120167809654959  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Fisheye 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.99996          0.0030054        0.0084113     
  -0.00301489      -0.999995        -0.00111532    
   0.0084079       -0.00114063       0.999964      

 Translation Vector: 0.0106999967247248  0  4.36557456851006e-11  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Fisheye 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.999991         0.00387305       0.00170361    
  -0.00386751      -0.999987         0.00324679    
   0.00171616       0.00324017       0.999993      

 Translation Vector: -0.0536826550960541  -0.000198965979507193  -5.82347420277074e-05  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0  -0  -0  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Pose" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -1  -0  -0
   0   1   0
  -0  -0  -1

 Translation Vector: -0.021491639316082  1.15084130811738e-05  3.01668951578904e-05  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Fisheye 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.99996          0.0030054        0.0084113     
  -0.00301489      -0.999995        -0.00111532    
   0.0084079       -0.00114063       0.999964      

 Translation Vector: 0.0106999967247248  0  4.36557456851006e-11  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Fisheye 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -0.999991         0.00387305       0.00170361    
  -0.00386751      -0.999987         0.00324679    
   0.00171616       0.00324017       0.999993      

 Translation Vector: -0.0536826550960541  -0.000198965979507193  -5.82347420277074e-05  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Pose" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -1  -0  -0
   0   1   0
  -0  -0  -1

 Translation Vector: -0.021491639316082  1.15084130811738e-05  3.01668951578904e-05  

Extrinsic from "Pose"   To      "Fisheye 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.0030054       -0.0084113     
   0.00301489      -0.999995         0.00111532    
  -0.0084079       -0.00114063      -0.999964      

 Translation Vector: 0.0321909971535206  7.6269636338111e-05  -0.000150520674651489  

Extrinsic from "Pose"   To      "Fisheye 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.999991         0.00387305      -0.00170361    
   0.00386751      -0.999987        -0.00324679    
  -0.00171616       0.00324017      -0.999993      

 Translation Vector: -0.032191202044487  -0.000104240716609638  -6.49885187158361e-05  

Extrinsic from "Pose"   To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -1   0  -0
  -0   1  -0
  -0   0  -1

 Translation Vector: -0.021491639316082  -1.15084130811738e-05  3.01668951578904e-05  

Extrinsic from "Pose"   To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
  -1   0  -0
  -0   1  -0
  -0   0  -1

 Translation Vector: -0.021491639316082  -1.15084130811738e-05  3.01668951578904e-05  

Extrinsic from "Pose"   To      "Pose" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0 

(2) Intel realsense D435i RGB-D 相机

Intel RealSense D435i是英特尔公司推出的一款消费级深度相机,构成单元有RGB相机(1)、红外相机(2)以及红外发射器(1),相比于D435,D435i还有一个IMU单元。





Intrinsic Parameters:

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 256x144 / {Z16}
  Width:        256
  Height:       144
  PPX:          125.079650878906
  PPY:          70.8781127929688
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    22.62 x 12.84

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 424x240 / {Z16}
  Width:        424
  Height:       240
  PPX:          211.032638549805
  PPY:          119.628372192383
  Fx:           211.991485595703
  Fy:           211.991485595703
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 480x270 / {Z16}
  Width:        480
  Height:       270
  PPX:          238.904876708984
  PPY:          134.579284667969
  Fx:           239.990356445312
  Fy:           239.990356445312
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 640x360 / {Z16}
  Width:        640
  Height:       360
  PPX:          318.539825439453
  PPY:          179.439056396484
  Fx:           319.987152099609
  Fy:           319.987152099609
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 640x480 / {Z16}
  Width:        640
  Height:       480
  PPX:          318.247802734375
  PPY:          239.326873779297
  Fx:           383.984588623047
  Fy:           383.984588623047
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    79.61 x 64.01

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 848x100 / {Z16}
  Width:        848
  Height:       100
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          49.2567443847656
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 13.45

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 848x480 / {Z16}
  Width:        848
  Height:       480
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          239.256744384766
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Depth" / 1280x720 / {Z16}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       720
  PPX:          637.079650878906
  PPY:          358.878112792969
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 320x180 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        320
  Height:       180
  PPX:          168.642852783203
  PPY:          87.4565658569336
  Fx:           231.624588012695
  Fy:           231.835433959961
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    69.21 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 320x240 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        320
  Height:       240
  PPX:          171.523803710938
  PPY:          116.608749389648
  Fx:           308.832763671875
  Fy:           309.113891601562
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    54.72 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 424x240 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        424
  Height:       240
  PPX:          223.523803710938
  PPY:          116.608749389648
  Fx:           308.832763671875
  Fy:           309.113891601562
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    68.88 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 640x360 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        640
  Height:       360
  PPX:          337.285705566406
  PPY:          174.913131713867
  Fx:           463.249176025391
  Fy:           463.670867919922
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    69.22 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 640x480 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        640
  Height:       480
  PPX:          343.047607421875
  PPY:          233.217498779297
  Fx:           617.66552734375
  Fy:           618.227783203125
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    54.72 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 848x480 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        848
  Height:       480
  PPX:          447.047607421875
  PPY:          233.217498779297
  Fx:           617.66552734375
  Fy:           618.227783203125
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    68.88 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 960x540 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        960
  Height:       540
  PPX:          505.928527832031
  PPY:          262.369689941406
  Fx:           694.873779296875
  Fy:           695.506286621094
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    69.22 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 1280x720 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       720
  PPX:          674.571411132812
  PPY:          349.826263427734
  Fx:           926.498352050781
  Fy:           927.341735839844
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    69.22 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Color" / 1920x1080 / {YUYV/RGB8/BGR8/RGBA8/BGRA8/Y16/RAW16}
  Width:        1920
  Height:       1080
  PPX:          1011.85705566406
  PPY:          524.739379882812
  Fx:           1389.74755859375
  Fy:           1391.01257324219
  Distortion:   Inverse Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    69.22 x 42.43

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 256x144 / {Y8}
  Width:        256
  Height:       144
  PPX:          125.079650878906
  PPY:          70.8781127929688
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    22.62 x 12.84

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 424x240 / {Y8}
  Width:        424
  Height:       240
  PPX:          211.032638549805
  PPY:          119.628372192383
  Fx:           211.991485595703
  Fy:           211.991485595703
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 480x270 / {Y8}
  Width:        480
  Height:       270
  PPX:          238.904876708984
  PPY:          134.579284667969
  Fx:           239.990356445312
  Fy:           239.990356445312
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 640x360 / {Y8}
  Width:        640
  Height:       360
  PPX:          318.539825439453
  PPY:          179.439056396484
  Fx:           319.987152099609
  Fy:           319.987152099609
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 640x480 / {Y8}
  Width:        640
  Height:       480
  PPX:          318.247802734375
  PPY:          239.326873779297
  Fx:           383.984588623047
  Fy:           383.984588623047
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    79.61 x 64.01

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 848x100 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       100
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          49.2567443847656
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 13.45

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 848x480 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       480
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          239.256744384766
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 1280x720 / {Y8}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       720
  PPX:          637.079650878906
  PPY:          358.878112792969
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 1" / 1280x800 / {Y8}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       800
  PPX:          637.079650878906
  PPY:          398.878112792969
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 64.01

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 256x144 / {Y8}
  Width:        256
  Height:       144
  PPX:          125.079650878906
  PPY:          70.8781127929688
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    22.62 x 12.84

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 424x240 / {Y8}
  Width:        424
  Height:       240
  PPX:          211.032638549805
  PPY:          119.628372192383
  Fx:           211.991485595703
  Fy:           211.991485595703
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 480x270 / {Y8}
  Width:        480
  Height:       270
  PPX:          238.904876708984
  PPY:          134.579284667969
  Fx:           239.990356445312
  Fy:           239.990356445312
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 640x360 / {Y8}
  Width:        640
  Height:       360
  PPX:          318.539825439453
  PPY:          179.439056396484
  Fx:           319.987152099609
  Fy:           319.987152099609
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 640x480 / {Y8}
  Width:        640
  Height:       480
  PPX:          318.247802734375
  PPY:          239.326873779297
  Fx:           383.984588623047
  Fy:           383.984588623047
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    79.61 x 64.01

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 848x100 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       100
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          49.2567443847656
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 13.45

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 848x480 / {Y8}
  Width:        848
  Height:       480
  PPX:          422.065277099609
  PPY:          239.256744384766
  Fx:           423.982971191406
  Fy:           423.982971191406
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 59.02

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 1280x720 / {Y8}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       720
  PPX:          637.079650878906
  PPY:          358.878112792969
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 58.72

 Intrinsic of "Infrared 2" / 1280x800 / {Y8}
  Width:        1280
  Height:       800
  PPX:          637.079650878906
  PPY:          398.878112792969
  Fx:           639.974304199219
  Fy:           639.974304199219
  Distortion:   Brown Conrady
  Coeffs:       0   0   0   0   0  
  FOV (deg):    90 x 64.01

Motion Intrinsic Parameters:

Motion Intrinsic of "Gyro"      MOTION_XYZ32F
Bias Variances:     0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  
Noise Variances:    0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  
Sensitivity : 
     1.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  
     0.000000       1.000000       0.000000       0.000000  
     0.000000       0.000000       1.000000       0.000000  

Motion Intrinsic of "Accel"     MOTION_XYZ32F
Bias Variances:     0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  
Noise Variances:    0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  0.000000000000000  
Sensitivity : 
     1.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  
     0.000000       1.000000       0.000000       0.000000  
     0.000000       0.000000       1.000000       0.000000  

Extrinsic Parameters:
Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996         -0.00875044      -0.00162848    
   0.00875017       0.999962        -0.000173136   
   0.00162993       0.000158879      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: 0.0149527732282877  0.000543894828297198  0.000474434433272108  

Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0.00552000012248755  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Depth"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0.00552000012248755  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00875017       0.00162993    
  -0.00875044       0.999962         0.000158879   
  -0.00162848      -0.000173136      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: -0.014957713894546  -0.000413105968618765  -0.000449989282060415  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00875017       0.00162993    
  -0.00875044       0.999962         0.000158879   
  -0.00162848      -0.000173136      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: -0.014957713894546  -0.000413105968618765  -0.000449989282060415  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00875017       0.00162993    
  -0.00875044       0.999962         0.000158879   
  -0.00162848      -0.000173136      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: -0.014957713894546  -0.000413105968618765  -0.000449989282060415  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00875017       0.00162993    
  -0.00875044       0.999962         0.000158879   
  -0.00162848      -0.000173136      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: -0.0204777140170336  0.00468689436092973  0.0112900109961629  

Extrinsic from "Color"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996          0.00875017       0.00162993    
  -0.00875044       0.999962         0.000158879   
  -0.00162848      -0.000173136      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: -0.0204777140170336  0.00468689436092973  0.0112900109961629  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996         -0.00875044      -0.00162848    
   0.00875017       0.999962        -0.000173136   
   0.00162993       0.000158879      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: 0.0149527732282877  0.000543894828297198  0.000474434433272108  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0.0500373877584934  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0.00552000012248755  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 1"     To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: -0.00552000012248755  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.0500373877584934  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996         -0.00875044      -0.00162848    
   0.00875017       0.999962        -0.000173136   
   0.00162993       0.000158879      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: 0.0649881809949875  0.000981730525381863  0.000555992126464844  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.0500373877584934  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.0445173867046833  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Infrared 2"     To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.0445173867046833  0.00510000018402934  0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996         -0.00875044      -0.00162848    
   0.00875017       0.999962        -0.000173136   
   0.00162993       0.000158879      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: 0.0205362997949123  -0.0045055765658617  -0.0112573625519872  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Gyro"   To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Depth" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Color" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   0.99996         -0.00875044      -0.00162848    
   0.00875017       0.999962        -0.000173136   
   0.00162993       0.000158879      0.999999      

 Translation Vector: 0.0205362997949123  -0.0045055765658617  -0.0112573625519872  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Infrared 1" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Infrared 2" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0.00552000012248755  -0.00510000018402934  -0.011739999987185  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Gyro" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

Extrinsic from "Accel"      To      "Accel" :
 Rotation Matrix:
   1   0   0
   0   1   0
   0   0   1

 Translation Vector: 0  0  0  

五、源代码安装 Realsense SDK


ganahe@ganahe-Nitro-AN515-51:~$ apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.VDtWItvLze/gpg.1.sh --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No name
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.iikOQE6Ij3/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE
gpg: key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE: ""CN = Intel(R) Intel(R) Realsense", O=Intel Corporation" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1

下面的操作是适用于Ubuntu 16.04其它版本见官网。

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial


sudo update-grub && sudo reboot


uname -r


git clone https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense.git


cd librealsense
sudo apt-get install git libssl-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config libgtk-3-dev libglfw3-dev


sudo ./scripts/setup_udev_rules.sh


sudo ./scripts/patch-realsense-ubuntu-lts.sh


echo 'hid_sensor_custom' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules


mkdir build && cd build




sudo make uninstall && make clean && make && sudo make install


六、 参考文献

[1]Intel Realsense T265使用教程
[2]Intel RealSense D435i:简介、安装与使用(ROS、Python)